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Falls prevention

In this section you will find information about how to prevent falls in and outside of the home.

Making your home fall proof

Age UK have a video on their website that shows you how you can make your home fall proof, you can find more information on the Age UK Fall prevention web page.

You can also ask yourself these questions:

  • Do you have good lighting, especially on the stairs?
  • Are stairs and steps clutter free?
  • Do you have handrails on both sides of the stairs?
  • Do you have a nightlight in the bedroom or a torch by the bed in case you need to get up in the night?
  • Are your floors clear of trailing wires, wrinkled or fraying carpets or anything else that you might trip or slip on?
  • Do you have a handrail in the bath and a non-slip bath mat?
  • Do you always use a step ladder to reach high places? Always ask someone to help you if you’re using a ladder, never stand on a chair.
  • Do you keep your garden paths clear and free from moss?
  • Does your pet wear a collar with a bell? It’s important to be aware of where they are when you’re moving about.


Reduce the risk of falling

There are ways you can reduce your risk of having a fall, including making simple changes to your home and doing exercises to improve your strength and balance.

You can find more information on the NHS Falls web page and Age UK have produced a Staying Steady leaflet that shows you how to keep active and reduce your risk of falling.

Overcome the fear of falling

If you’ve had a fall or you feel that your balance isn’t as good as it was, it’s natural to feel worried about falling. This can become a problem if it’s causing you to avoid certain activities, such as exercise, or stopping you leaving your home.

To feel more confident and in control, think and plan ahead by discussing your risk of falling with your doctor and consider if you need to install a personal alarm in the home.

You can find more information about what to do on the Age UK Fall prevention web page.

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