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SEN Information Pack

The SEND reforms of 2014 brought certain duties to Local Authorities and schools to provide information, advice and guidance to parents/carers of children and young people aged 0-25 with SEND.   Each local authority must publish a Local Offer and each school/setting must publish its SEND Information Report.

In addition to having the information available on a website, each local authority needs to ensure people have access to information and advice even if they cannot use the internet.  With this in mind, the Local Offer Working Group have developed an Information Booklet which provides information about processes and pathways as well as general information, advice and guidance to assist families with children and young people with SEND 0-25.

The booklet contains general information, advivce and guidance around all aspects of support available to children and young people who have special educational needs and/or disabilities and their families.

Details of specific services, activities and organisations have not been included as these are available on the Sunderland Information Point website; however we have included details of some support organisations.

The complete booklet can be downloaded from the link on this page or alternatively individual sections can be accessed from the corresponding category, i.e. Health in the Health section, or Leisure from the Things to do section.

We hope you find this booklet useful and we would love to hear your comments or feedback.  To do this use the "Contact Us" link at the top of the site.

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