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Including All Children and Young People - Expectations of Schools

"Including All Children and Young People" aims to outline what is expected through a 'graduated response' to SEN, linked to the Code of Practice.  It utilises the SEND Code of Practice areas of difficulty/need and uses the following structure:

  • Cognition and learning
  • Social, emotional and mental health difficulties
  • Communication and interaction
  • Sensory and/or physical needs

Each area of need has been broken down into levels:

  • Quality First Teaching
  • SEN Support - these needs to be met from the age weighted pupil unit (AWPU) and notional SEN budget
  • Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment.

Details are given about the type and extent of support that educational settings should be providing at each level and what they should do before moving a child or young person on to a higher level of support.  The information is presented under the following headings:

  • Level and description of difficulties 
  • Assessment, planning and review
  • Grouping for teaching
  • Curriculum and teaching methods
  • Human resources

What is the purpose of the guidance?
The following are examples of ways the guidance can be used:

  • To provide a reference point for educational settings, both internally and across settings, so that there is greater consistency when deciding the level of the graduated response for individual children or young people
  • As an audit tool, at the level of the educational setting or of the individual child or young person, to check the appropriateness of support at different levels; identify gaps in provision; or suggest new ideas for working with children or young people
  • By LA officers and SEND Panel to determine whether the needs of a child or young person are such that statutory Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment may be necessary and whether the educational setting has taken sufficient relevant and purposeful action before requesting statutory assessment
  • To support dialogue with parents as a way of explaining what provision the educational setting is making for their child or young person
  • A point of referent for non-education professionals.

The approach to funding pupils with High Need is based on a place plus approach, where the local authority becomes the commissioner of services for children and young people from 0-25 that are deemed to have High Need. The table below set outs the equivalence of funding for all High Need provision under the new system for all maintained schools, academies and other specialist providers.

All schools and academies will be required to fund up to £6,000 to meet the costs of SEN pupils with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) before any additional funding is allocated via the new place plus system. The local authority will provide additional funding above the £6,000 plus the relevant basic pupil entitlement for High Need pupil from the High Need block (HNB) within the dedicated schools grant (DSG).

Schools with resourced provisions will receive the actual Basic allocation per pupil for each child (element 1) in the setting and then an additional £6 000 per pupil (element 2) a ‘top up’ (element 3) will be received from the local authority in line with the pupil/student’s needs

In special schools relevant funding authority3 (elements 1 & 2) and a ‘top up’ (element 3) will be received from the local authority in line with the pupil/student’s needs

For more information see the attached full document "Including All Children and Young People: Guidance for Implementing the SEND Code of Practice 2015" 

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